Chronicles of Mystara, a Collection of Two True Arcade Classic
Summary: A classic adventure franchise’s classic game collection that is sure to thrill both long term nostalgic fans and newcomers alike. Classic Arcade games remastered with new features to keep it impressive in this competitive era while retaining all of what made it fun when originally released.
Developer: Iron Galaxy Studios
Publisher: Capcom
Release Date and Platforms:
Steam – 6/18/2013
PSN – 6/18/2013
XBLA – 6/19/2013,
Nintendo eShop – TBA.
ESRB Rating: T
Price: $15.99 (or 1200 MS points for the Xbox Live Marketplace)
General: This collection was re-released across all of the current major platforms. These are two side scrolling beat-em-ups in the same vein as Double Dragon, Final Fight and Streets of Rage. These fantasy titles were both originally released back in that era. The first game Dungeons & Dragons Tower of Doom was released in 1993, with its sequel Dungeons & Dragons Shadow over Mystara being released in 1996. In the first title the characters are a mixture of the classes of D and D such as the Fighter and Cleric mixed with races such as the Dwarf and Elf. The Thief class and the Magic-User(As it was in earlier Dungeons and Dragons iterations). The first game doesn’t allow for more than one use of the same character, while the second makes this possible with different color schemes and with the Magic-User gives a minor change up in his spell book.
Gameplay: The basics are the same as most beat-em-ups that have come out. You have basic attack, combos and each character has their own particular unique attacks to stand out. While most have a kick for instance, the Magic-User in Shadow of Mystara has a shoulder attack and the Dwarf headbutts. This also brings up items. You can find many in chests, but there are available shops as well where you can redeem your loot. Note on chests though, the fun here is from trapped chests. Never forget this Dungeon Crawling standard. In the shops, actions range from buying health potions to pawning off the gear you don\’t need, this is a helpful feature. Enemies featured across both of the games are fairly standard Dungeon and Dragons fair such as Ghouls, Gnolls and Kobolds. It is all fairly traditional and true to the old school spirit of this franchise.
Technical: The visuals of both games look very clean, though their are numerous view modes that allow for a great variety. Scan-line mode gives that retro arcade feel, and as some of the screenshots show there are also arcade cabinet views to bring back nostalgia in those like myself who look fondly back at this game. There are newly added features such as trophies/achievements and some unlockables such as concept art as well. Leaderboards have also been added that track various stats from in the game as well for an extra challenge.
Verdict: Both games have an excellent replayability as many of the recent updated arcade titles have had, as you can always grab a friend and jump right in. We rate both games as Excellent. We recommend them to anyone who enjoys this genre, classic arcade games or simply for anyone looking for multiplayer fun.
Final: Excellent, 09.5/10.0